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Beyond Business


In a region defined by its industrial strength, a new kind of collaboration is flourishing, weaving together threads of business and community. Rooted in authenticity, fueled by a desire to learn, 在共同愿望的驱动下,这是关于改善生活的. Together, SMS设备和麦克默里堡第一民族集团公司(FMFN集团)正在朝着经济增长和社区发展迈出重要的一步, fostering opportunity, vibrancy, and prosperity.

SMS设备的大部分项目都是在传统地区或附近开展的. 与土著社区的联系有机地发展起来, 将其正式公布是深化两国关系的自然下一步. And so, on January 1, 2021, SMS Equipment的63N分公司与FMFN集团之间的战略联盟协议, wholly owned by Fort McMurray 468 First Nation, was established.

Ryan Coish, FMFM集团业务发展副总裁, has been integral to the journey.

“我参与了协议的初步谈判, 我将非常诚实地说——当我与新接触土著的公司合作时, there's a significant learning curve," he says. SMS Equipment也不例外,但他们接受了这个学习机会. Of course, 他们从业务方面看到了这种合作的好处,并见证了这种合作对社区的影响. However, 最突出的是他们卷起袖子学习, standing behind their continuous improvement mindset."

Larry Gouthro, 麦克默里堡地区的SMS设备总经理, 强调真诚参与促进经济繁荣和培育牢固的社区纽带的重要性.

Traditional Indigenous beaded necklace

他说:“在对保留区进行了一次未经编辑的参观后,我们没有只关注有影响的地区。. “新的社区中心和正在建造的住宅令人惊叹, 但我们可以亲眼看到,还有很多工作要做.Gouthro强调了真正的50/50伙伴关系的重要性,这种伙伴关系与国家一致,确定共同的目标,并投资于增进相互理解和利益的机会.

Coish couldn't agree more.

“发展强大的战略联盟为能力建设提供了机会, improve, and grow our business," he says. "We are very selective on who we work with. 当我们考虑合作关系时,就像拉里说的,这是真正的合作关系. 这不仅仅是所谓的“羽毛契约”,归根结底,这是一种牢固的关系,而不仅仅是开放的沟通渠道和透明度, but also sharing a common value system."

事实上,这些联盟的影响远远超出了经济收益. 通过与SMS设备和其他主要合作伙伴的合作, FMFN集团已经能够资助推动社区发展的关键举措.

"We set on this journey in 2017, 从那时起,我们发展得很快,现在我们有了自己的经济发展部门来监督这些伙伴关系, acquisitions, mergers, and equity opportunities," Coish explains. Because of this, FMFM集团成立了社区健康部门和公共工程部门,同时也提供了10美元,000 annual scholarships to students. With SMS Equipment's support, 该奖学金项目使另外28名学生能够继续深造或获得专业发展, 显著扩大社区内受教育的机会.

"SMS Equipment also invites our services, such as custodial and civil work for their projects," explains Coish. "We don't just sit back and collect; there are many initiatives within our alliance that I think many people aren't aware of. Without the funds that are driven by our partnerships, 如果没有像SMS equipment这样的公司,我们将无法做这些事情."

Fort McMurray First Nation Nikinan Community Centre
Nikinan社区中心将于2024年开放,将成为Fort McMurray 468 First Nation的家园.

For SMS Equipment, 与FMFN集团的联盟代表了对有意义的参与和社会责任的承诺. "It's been a wonderful journey," Gouthro reflects. “我们仍然有很多问题,我们将一直在学习, but the Nation is willing to share with us. And we are thankful for that."

Adds Coish: "SMS Equipment started out totally green, 但现在,他们正朝着成为土著伙伴关系的领导者的方向迈进,他们愿意理解并为此努力."

Looking ahead, SMS设备和FMFN集团都致力于推进他们的联盟, exploring new avenues for collaboration, and continuing to positively impact the community. “他们的团队总是想知道他们可以在哪里提供帮助,以及这些举措对国家人民的真正意义," says Coish. “看到SMS设备的员工积极参与土著文化活动也很特别, genuinely caring about the needs of our community."

多年来与SMS设备合作给Coish留下最深刻印象的是他们对学习的渴望. "They bring humility into the process. 我认为对于任何寻求互惠互利的土著社区来说, they're looking for partners like SMS Equipment," he says.

虽然联盟在短时间内取得了很多成就, Coish believes they're just scratching the surface.

“我们一直在不断发展和思考新的方式来分享这种关系, and the best part is we're doing it together."

Aerial view of Fort McMurray First Nation
Aerial view of Fort McMurray First Nation 468. Fort McMurray 468 First Nation是一个位于38的克里族部落.4 kilometres from Fort McMurray, Alberta.

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